Thursday, September 20

Random Things

I try to be a really great mom.

Sometimes I feel like I am not.

I know lots of people that think I am a good mom.

I feel like I have fooled them.

This is starting off very negative and I don't like that.

I love to exercise, but sometimes don't because it is hard to find time.

That is an excuse and I know it.

I get my hair done TOMORROW!!!

I cannot WAIT.

I get headaches a lot.

I have one right now.

I love teaching in the 4's class.

I miss teaching with Anna.

Cindy has been an awesome replacement.

My favorite job besides being a mom was working in a tanning salon.

I would love to work in a tanning salon again if I got the chance!

Tanning is bad for you, but I still like it.

I struggle with this issue.

Money and I don't like each other.

I'm hoping one day we can be friends.

I worry too much about what people think of me.

I am trying not to care so much anymore and it is a daily decision.

I would LOVE to have another baby.

THAT is not going to happen thanks to a doctor and Glen.

I have seriously loved gum since I was a child.

Gum is the only thing I have ever stolen and I even picked it up off of the hot pavement so that I could chew it. (I was 4)

My girls share my love of gum.

I love tv shows that I probably shouldn't.

I love reality tv. It's my favorite. Sadly even the trashy ones.

If the bottom floor of my house is clean, I feel like I am doing good.

I HATE laundry.

I would pay someone to do it for me.

My vacuum broke a couple of months ago and I have been borrowing Cindy's.

My dog Harley sheds like no other animal I have ever owned.

That is the one thing that gets on my nerves about her.

I wished I had a little Mini Schnauzer.

I like to play guitar.

I'm not that good, but it is fun just the same.

I love to play and sing with my kids. They love it too.

They think it is cool that I play the flute.

I am waiting for them to realize that it really makes me kind of a nerd.

My favorite moment if the day is reading to Jude at night.

Glen reads to the girls every night when I am reading to Jude.

I love white teeth.

My brother and I always check to see who has the whitest teeth.

My brother is WAY more creative than me.

His house could be in a magazine and HE did it all. His wife doesn't get to help. HA.

I love for him to "help" me with my house.

He doesn't like to "help" me with my house.

I want to be the fun aunt.

I like big styrofoam cups WITH straws.

I usually keep an old one and drink out of it even when I'm home - Sonic ones are the best.

When people get hurt, I laugh.

Not on purpose, but that is just what I do.

I HATE when I do that. It makes me feel bad.

Feeling bad makes me laugh harder.

I get mad when someone laughs when I get hurt.

I am not a fan of double standards - but still have them.

I think it is hard to find GOOD friends.

I have a few GOOD friends. Not a lot. But enough.

I have a hard time trusting friends because of past relationships.

I love to camp with my family.

I am WAY excited about my parents new cabin.

I love good smelling candles.

The candles that are my favorites are expensive. Go figure!!!

OK. I think I am done.


  • Wow, That is a long list of stuff!! I hope you feel better after saying whats on your mind. I need to do that. My daughter Katherine laughs when people get hurt. She can't help it either!!

    I too feel like a bad mom sometimes and people think I am a great mom. I have high expectations I guess. Hope you have a great weekend!!

    By Blogger Jennifer (mom of four), at 5:08 PM  

  • I am so glad that you are back to blogging since we will not be seeing as much of each other this year:( I will be dropping by to check on you sometimes though just to say "Hi and I miss you". I love that you are so honest and real, sadly that is hard to find at times. I feel like I have people fooled a lot of times too. True friendships are hard to find, I did not realize their value until we moved away from mine. Thank you for sharing and being a friend.

    By Blogger Erica, at 5:08 PM  

  • what a fantastic post! i love it. it was honest and from the heart. you've sure got me're a great mom!

    By Blogger ali, at 5:20 PM  

  • That's one of the things I love about you, Nicole -- your openness and honesty. On the mom thing: I've probably seen you at your best and your worst and can testifly that you are a great mom! Your 4 children are proof of that. You're also very good at teaching other peoples children. Now about the Sonic cup: let me tell your blogger buddies that your cup fetish doesn't end there! Glen and I could each tell cup stories from major league ballparks and fairgrounds! :)

    By Blogger cindy, at 7:46 PM  

  • HI! Good post! I have to tell you that when we first met seeing you as a mom made me soooo excited to be a mommy someday! You make having 4 kids look so easy. You are a mom PRO!!!

    Have I told you that I am sooooooo glad you are back blogging?? Well, I am!!!

    By Blogger Allison, at 8:02 PM  

  • I loved this post!! Especially the part where you said you missed teaching with me! hehe I miss teaching with you too! =)

    Oh & fyi...I laugh when people get hurt too. That must be why we get along so good. haha It has to be a mild "hurt" though....I don't think I'd be standing there laughing if say.....someone fell off a roof & broke their neck. Yeah, those kinds aren't so funny.

    OH....and I'm getting my hair done tomorrow too!!!!! So where are we meeting to show off our new "do's"??

    By Blogger Anna, at 9:11 PM  

  • Yay!!!! You are back! I just randomly checked your blog for whatever reason & I'm so glad! Now I've got to catch up! ha!

    PS. I'm getting my hair done tomorrow too & I'm so excited b/c it's long overdue!

    By Blogger Lori, at 9:20 PM  

  • Hi Nicole. So,,,,what are you going to have done to your hair? I seriously need to do something with mine. I was told recently that I look like an old gray headed lady.....;o) (I'm still laughing about that one) I want to grow it out and then can't stand it because I have to go through the ugly bushy stage to get anywhere with it. So, are you having yours cut or colored or what? I hope it turns out just like you want it. Auntie T

    By Blogger Tamra and Jim, at 9:42 PM  

  • I care too much about what people think of me too!

    I feel the same way about my bottom floor being clean...

    Think about getting a Dyson. I love mine! It's great for the cat hair, so I am sure you'd love it for Harley. You can get them online refurbished for cheaper and it still has a 6 month warranty. I love mine...

    By Blogger Gina, at 9:41 AM  

  • Remember that time a long time ago when you came to my house and we were flipping people over in the hammock? You thought it would be fun, so you laid down in it and Ryan and Bradley started swinging you after you wrapped the hammock tight around you. Then, mid-flipping, you changed your mind and your glasses went flying, and you almost broke your legs and stuff? That was HILARIOUS!!! I still laugh when i think of it. ok, so maybe it was THIS summer. I just bought a guitar, so we'll have to play when you come visit me in NYC! Maybe we could go celebrity hunting. That would be fun, or better, we could go throw things at people in Central Park so that they get hurt, but at least we get a good laugh out of it.

    By Blogger Rustino Scar, at 9:26 PM  

  • We share the same love/hate relationship with tanning beds. I LOVED working at the tanning salon (free tans! ha ha) But my husband thinks it is a waiste of time and money no more tanning for me. :( SHOOT!
    Rustin is A LOT more creative than me too. He has better handwriting too and dresses better and is smarter. So don't feel bad, I will never measure up to the creativy of my brother either!

    By Blogger Taralee, at 12:57 PM  

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