Students of the 6 Weeks
At my girls' elementary, the teachers pick 2 students each 6 weeks to be the 'Student of the Six Weeks'. It is a very big honor to be picked and ALL of my girls have been picked this year. Bailey was picked LAST 6 weeks, and this 6 weeks, Avery and Parker got chosen. They have a ceremony after school for them to be recognized. They are called up one by one and afterwards there are refreshments. The kids just love it and feel so special. I am SO proud of these girls.
Mr Adams (the principal) and the girls. Jude was feeling a little left out I think and jumped in this one. :)
I CANNOT find the pictures of Bailey at her ceremony, is a picture of her and HER teacher Mrs. Sharp (at Halloween). We LOVE Mrs. Sharp. I feel like a bad mom for not having HER ceremony picture, but what can ya do??
Avery and her FAVORITE teacher, Mrs. Varner. What are we going to do without Mrs. Varner next year. This is a teacher that Avery has said she wishes was her Grandma. Now THAT's a teacher!!
The thing that I think is cool about Avery is that she does NOT make straight A's or even straight B's, the teachers chose her for trying HER hardest and being a great girl. I just love that it isn't ALL about the child's grades. Avery would NEVER get chosen if it was JUST about grades. I am SO thankful that she has great teachers this year that think she is sweet and special, just like I do.
Notice Parker's nervous feet. I thought that was so cute.
I know everyone has heard of Mrs. Reese by now, so.... here is Parker with HER favorite - Mrs. Reese.