My Man is 30!!!!
Today is Glen's 30th birthday!!! I have been teasing him all day that I am so bummed about being married to someone that is in their 30's. It is partially true. Even though I turned 30 two years ago, I felt like I could hold on to the 20's a LITTLE bit since my husband was still in them. NOT NOW!!!! THANKS GLEN!!! :)
I have also been teasing him that I married him when he was a boy (he was only 18!!) and now he has turned into a man before my eyes. We both died laughing this morning when I brought that up.
Glen seriously is the best person I have ever met. I know people say that about their husbands, but I truly think that there couldn't be a better man out there. I guess lots of people feel that way though, huh?? I guess those of us that feel that are blessed, because I know not ALL women feel that way.
I am SO lucky that I am the one that ended up with this man. I am so proud of him and the way he has worked his REAR off for our family. Everyday he goes to not the easiest job and busts his rear FOR US. I am so thankful. We have been through ups and downs like every couple, but I am thankful for him and love him more everyday. This is sounding mushy huh?? Oh well.
I get compliments on him SO many times from the most random people. Today a lady that Glen delivers to (he drives for UPS) came up to me and told me how sweet he is and goes out of his way to help her with things, when most delivery guys are always in a rush and won't help. Glen has always been about helping people and would give you the shirt off of his back. It just makes me feel SO good to know that I am not the only one that sees how fabulous he is. THEN my mom almost started crying talking about him today. She adores him and couldn't ask for a better sil. Our whole family just feels blessed by him and loves him so much.
So......Happy 30th Birthday Glen!!! I love you!!!
I have also been teasing him that I married him when he was a boy (he was only 18!!) and now he has turned into a man before my eyes. We both died laughing this morning when I brought that up.
Glen seriously is the best person I have ever met. I know people say that about their husbands, but I truly think that there couldn't be a better man out there. I guess lots of people feel that way though, huh?? I guess those of us that feel that are blessed, because I know not ALL women feel that way.
I am SO lucky that I am the one that ended up with this man. I am so proud of him and the way he has worked his REAR off for our family. Everyday he goes to not the easiest job and busts his rear FOR US. I am so thankful. We have been through ups and downs like every couple, but I am thankful for him and love him more everyday. This is sounding mushy huh?? Oh well.
I get compliments on him SO many times from the most random people. Today a lady that Glen delivers to (he drives for UPS) came up to me and told me how sweet he is and goes out of his way to help her with things, when most delivery guys are always in a rush and won't help. Glen has always been about helping people and would give you the shirt off of his back. It just makes me feel SO good to know that I am not the only one that sees how fabulous he is. THEN my mom almost started crying talking about him today. She adores him and couldn't ask for a better sil. Our whole family just feels blessed by him and loves him so much.
So......Happy 30th Birthday Glen!!! I love you!!!