Issues With My Hair
SO last night I bought some dark Medium Mahogany Brown Loreal hair color and colored it myself. It was fine until I washed it out and the roots were even MORE red and the bottom was still really dark brown.
I have debated whether to just go this week and get my hair lady to fix it back blonde (which I will do eventually anyway). Glen told me today that he wasn't ready to see the dark go. SO - I went and got some just regular dark brown to see if I can get it all the same color. All I want is my roots and the rest of my hair to be the same. Is that too much to ask? If this doesn't work, I WILL go get it back to blonde this week.
I posted a picture of myself with this dark hair color and took it off in the same night because I thought I looked like a man with a wig. If I can get a good one where it looks like me, I'll post it. Don't get your hopes up though. You will probably be disappointed in the way it looks anyway. My whole family (mom, dad, brother, kids) HATE it. So you would be with the majority if you didn't like it.